Here in the Midwest, I’ve come across many individuals who are vehemently opposed to the idea of homosexuality. Some individuals tout religious reasons, but reasons vary.
Even just now, an acquaintance asked what I was writing about tonight.
I said, “How homosexuality is becoming a modern phenomenon.”
And he said, “As long as you don’t ask my opinion on the matter, we will probably get along fine.”

This literally happened 90 seconds ago.
Let’s say, as parents, your child comes up to you holding their My Little Pony one day. And your child proceeds to introduce you to their new “friend."
Mom: ‘Why hello there! And who is this new “friend” of yours?’
Child: “Mom, I just told you! Her name is My Little Pony.”
Dad: “Why hello there My Little Pony! Nice to meet you! Hun, she has a new friend!
Mom: “I see!”
Child: “Mom, dad… I need to tell you something…”
Mom: “Well, thank heavens you found someone, or rather, something, to keep you company!”
Child: “Dad!”
Dad: ‘I heard you. Your mother is so elated you have a new “friend”! - at long last!’
Mom: “Now, what was it dear?”
Child: “My Little Pony is Gay.”
Mom and Dad look at one another and start to laugh!
Dad: “As long as you are happy, we are happy too!” continuing to laugh….
Just hold that visual in your mind a bit.
In fact, homosexuality is becoming increasingly accepted by modern society throughout the United States.
So much so that even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has reversed a ruling that previously banned homosexual parents’ children from receiving baptism at their Mormon church.
That’s Huge!
Same-Sex Couples and their Kids
The Associated Press in their article, dated April 4, 2019, “Mormons Ease Opposition to Same-Sex Couples and their Kids,” stated that ‘church leaders described the changes as “very positive policies” that should help “affected families.”
The faith’s highest leadership group, known as the First Presidency, made the decision after “fervent, united prayer to understand the will of the Lord on these matters,” the statement said.’ (McCombs, 2019)
An article dating back to 2004 from the American Psychological Association, purports that previous beliefs that lesbian and gay parents are unfit are completely unfounded.
There is “no empirical foundation” of data indicating this to be the case. Furthermore, homosexual parents are found to split childcare responsibilities evenly.
In fact, evidence indicates that:
“The results of some studies suggest that lesbian mothers and gay fathers' parenting skills may be superior to those of matched heterosexual parents.“ (Page, 2005)
Ironically, any undue stress brought on the children is from nonsupporting peers who tease and ridicule the child for something that
- The child had no control over
- Offers the child a family that loves and embraces them for who they are.
And isn’t that what everyone wants? To be accepted for who they are? Embracing someone for who they are is essential to the safety of our children.
Hate creates wars, violence, and division. I think the current generation is tired of this separatist society. Who gets hurt by loving each other?

In fact, on the final episode of My Little Pony on Family Discovery Channel, the network introduced two lesbian ponies who care for a school-aged character named Scootaloo.
It was a risky move by the network, but it needed to occur. In fact, it is becoming commonplace to see gay characters throughout television.
Personally, I would rather see two people expressing love on a television show, no matter their sexual identity, than see one more show about how someone was murdered.
We need more love.
Remember the “My Little Pony is Gay” story from earlier?
Let’s replace the toy My Little Pony with “Dakota”. A human’s name. A human with feelings, emotions, and values.

Let’s see how that story plays out.
Let’s say, as parents, one day, your child comes up to you holding their friend’s hand. And your child proceeds to introduce you to their new “friend."
Mom: ‘Why hello there! And who is this new “friend” of yours?’
Child: “Mom, I just told you! Her name is Dakota.”
Dad: “Why, hello there, Dakota! Nice to meet you! Hun, she has a new friend!
Mom: “I see!”
Child: “Mom, dad… I need to tell you something…”
Mom: “Well, thank heavens you found someone, or rather, something, to play with!”
Child: “Dad!”
Dad: “I heard you. Your mother is so elated you have a new friend! - at long last!”
Mom: “Now, what was it, dear?”
Child: “Dakota is Gay. And so am I.”
Mom and Dad look at one another and start to laugh!
Dad: “As long as you are happy, we are happy too!” continuing to laugh….
Just hold that visual in your mind a bit. Love is Love at The Elite Nanny Team

Garrett, Andrea. “Lesbian Ponies for Kids: 'My Little Pony' TV Show Joins in Gay Activism for Pride Month.” CBN News, 14 June 2019, Accessed 16 June 2019.
McCombs, Brady, and Lindsay Whitehurst. “Mormons ease opposition to same-sex couples and their kids.” AP News, 4 April 2019, Accessed 16 June 2019
Paige, R. U. (2005). Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the legislative year 2004. Minutes of the meeting of the Council of Representatives July 28 & 30, 2004, Honolulu, HI. Retrieved June 16, 2019, from the World Wide Web (To be published in Volume 60, Issue Number 5 of the American Psychologist.)